You know we are all looking for that edge on our physique and/or that quick fix to get abs in 7 days. We want to look good and feel good. Some of us are willing to work harder than others but despite how hard you will or will not work, 95% of people I meet, want that magic pill, that miraculous product, that amazing new workout program that promises abs in 6 weeks. Okay well 100% of us want that but 5% of us are realists :D.
Back in my teen years, I believed any and all of the claims companies would tout about their products promising fast weight lost. I used Slimfast, I sent away for cheapo books promising fast weight loss tips and tricks (this was before everyone had the internet okay, okay, so I am 36), I tried pills, tinctures, starved myself only to binge later, I have done it all and every method yielded disappointing results. New gimmicks enter the market place every year and every year thousands if not millions hit that instant Amazon buy button. Well, early on in my competitive career, I noticed many fellow competitors using Sweet Sweat Wraps in hopes of burning off fat to expose those wash board abs. It has been on my mind to try this out and see for myself if it works and here is what I found.
Sweet Sweats’ Claim
The Sweet Sweat Waist Trimmer is touted to cushion, compress and support the torso area while retaining therapeutic heat. This is said to help with sore muscle relief and trim your waistline.
On their website, they list weight loss and proven results to tone your belly. There are also reviews touting that in just 2 weeks, customers have lost pounds and inches off of their waist.
Is there research?
There are no science based facts that I could find on Sweet Sweats Website to prove their claim. Furthermore, finding any studies regarding spot treatment for fat loss or the fact that raising your core temperature will cut inches off your waist alone are non existent.
Think about this. The Sweet Sweat Wrap makes you sweat more aside from mild compression. Say you wore a sauna suit all day, sweat out 5 pounds of water weight but that night, went and drank a good gallon of water? What do you think will happen? Yes, your body will re-hydrate and you will once again weigh the same as when you started.
Compression on the other hand may have some results down the line but the compression on the Sweet Sweat wrap is not like that of a waist trainer which BTW is not an ideal road to take either. Squishing your organs out of place possibly hindering optimal functioning of your organ systems is bad news bears. I do not recommend it.
My experiment
Any good experiment only changes one variable keeping all others the same.
I kept calories the same daily at maintenance level where I was not losing nor gaining weight. My strength training routine also stayed the same lifting 4 days per week while doing no cardio.
I wore the Sweet Sweat Waist Trimmer every day for 3 hours per day for 4 weeks.
I tracked progress by pictures, scale weight and waist measurements.
I found the wrap to be comfortable and moved well with my body. I personally ended up dreading wearing the wrap only because I don’t like being bound up and tucked into restrictive clothing, especially those that are non breathable. So I personally found that annoying but many don’t mind that aspect.
Over 4 weeks time:
Waist measurement started at 33 inches and ended at 33 inches.
My weekly average weight started at 143.3 and ended 143.4.
Pictures don’t show any drastic changes that seem to be shown on their website.
Data collection that could have improved these results would include a dexascan to show any fat changes in the abdomen area.
Other things to consider that could have affected the above photos include the fact that my physique is already fairly lean and water weight can affect any minor changes in appearance.
It’s comfortable
Good quality
Available in different sizes
Makes you sweat more (could be a pro or con :D)
Money back guarantee
Lack of research for all the claims
I personally don’t like to be bound up and strapped in anything
Excessive sweatiness of torso- like a mini sauna suit- can’t stand that feeling
Based on reviews: customers complained of “rashes, redness, itchiness, bumps, irritated skin” even though some redness is normal.
My advice
In my experience I have not seen any true permanent changes in fellow fitchicks or clients to make this something I would recommend. On the flip side, if this is something that may give you some motivation, then great!! Use what you can to do so. But, if you want to know how I really feel after all of this here it is: stop buying into gimicks. Get moving, eat healthy. Boom. Seems easy. Most of the time, not. If it were, then we would all be in shape. You have the power in you to change your life right now. The choice is yours. Join me.
Looking for help to trim down that waist? Check out my Fitness Guides and expert online coaching programs!
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