Mice slim down with a genetically engineered gut bacteria? Could it be this easy? Will it have side effects that read like a package of Lay’s WOW olestra containing Potato Chips- may cause abdominal cramping and loose stools. (aka- anal leakage! ew.)
Well, scientists at Vanderbilt University led by Sean S Davis are on the forefront of fighting the battle of the bulge with genetically modified gut bacteria. These bacteria are engineered to produce NAPES or N-acylphosphatidylethanolamines or NAEs or N-acylethanolamines
NAPEs are naturally produced in your small intestine after you eat and are broken down by enzymes to create NAEs. These two compounds have been linked to feeling satiated though there is debate as to which compound is more effective for appetite suppression.
According to Davies, people that are obese don’t make enough NAPEs and this may be a reason they eat too much.
This new research still must undergo studies to show its safety and efficacy but it may provide a long term solution for the treatment of obesity according to Steven M Firestine, a pharmaceutical sciences professor at Wayne State University.
My opinion…In many cases, making healthy food choices and getting exercise is the answer. It is hard as hell to change your lifestyle and learn how be make better choices. And, we have such a awful food system with terrible health advice based in bottom lines and marketing schemes. Chemical laden and toxic processed foods are widely used for convenience and many people are just not educated on how to eat healthfully or how to read food labels. (See 6 Ways You Can Join the Real Food Revolution ).
And do all these “fixes” for obesity address other underlying emotional issues and unhealthy relationships with food? No.
Cold turkey overnight changes to your diet and exercise habits usually fail. You have to take baby steps and be consistent. Make healthier choices for you, your family and the environment.
Original article:Harnessing the Microbiome to Curb Hunger.
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