Happy hump day all! Really its a pump day. Everyday is a pump day! 😀
What? Too much? Maybe she lifted too heavy! Just kidding. Click here to read about looking like a man if you lift heavy. 🙂
I have discovered free infographic programs. amazing! Not sure why I didn’t think of this before…..So I have been revamping the blog title pics on all my competition articles. They look so much better! AND……
I got my povlok yesterday. It is one of th handmade prototypes to try out… I am a little nervous about it. I am going to chat with Maneesh (pavlok CEO) over the phone about this little device to optimize my experience, er something.
I will be getting to a few posts to answer many common questions I have been getting such as bulk season supplements and protein powder.. stay tuned!
I really want to start a professional clothing line for muscle chicks. There are so many cute fitted things we can’t where because we have nice, well formed backs, shoulders and quads. It can be frustrating but I am not giving up my muscle!
My keto reverse diet is going pretty well. Its been 4.5 weeks since the gopher state, I am 8 pounds up and right where I want to be. I have been ravenously hungry the last 4 weeks. My body was in need of some body fat but I had to keep it reined in most of the time otherwise I would be 20 pounds up by now and not fitting my jeans!
I am loving my current workout routine. It has a bikini focus which is what I feel is best for my lifestyle and body right now. My shoulders were not handling the super heavy upper body lifting very well despite proper management and form. I feel like they are always on the boarderline of pain and normalcy or on the brink of another injury. I am posturaly predisposted to these issues so why fight it?
My current workout program consists of a lot of plyomentrics supersetted with lifing. Post workout cardio is minimal as I am getting it during my lifting sessions with the plyo. Post workout cardio right now consists of 15 minutes of incline walking or the stair master and then 1 – 2 HIIT sessions per week. See also Its Not Nice to HIIT.
On other random notes, I cleaned out my closet and gave away 4 trash bags full of clothes. 2 years ago I donated 7 trash bags FULL to the battered womens shelter. All of these clothes were mostly from jobs or hobbies past such as all my professional wear from teaching, some of my nice horse riding shirts, all my coaching polos’s and then a bunch of stuff I still had from my college years. I don’t have many shoes, just the basics so only a few pairs went along with the clothes.
I am also not a big shopper. The only section of clothes that has mildly expanded in the last 2 years has been the athletic wear section. Gee, surprise.
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