Being that you are looking at this list, I am sure you understand how frustrating it is to figure out the bodybuilding world. There a just about 100,000 federations (k not that many but you get my gist), and they all think theirs is the best. No one will just come together for one big natural bodybuilding federation and be a giant entity like the NPC / IFBB.
So, I put together a giant list of natural bodybuilding shows by region. I searched all the federation websites. If the show is not listed, I didn’t see it on the website OR, it was posted after I made this list!
For a better explanation of federations, check out Federations Explained.
Also check out these blog posts- Competition Articles and info, click here, for all sorts of information to help you navigate bodybuilding!
Below are screen shots of the 2021 bodybuilding show list for the U. S. For the most up to date version, click here to be brought to the google sheet list. Good luck everyone!!
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