Achieving a healthy body is not an easy task. It requires a lot of sacrifice and effort. For starters, you have to invest in healthy food. The body needs to be replenished after all the work you put in during the day. Second, you need to exercise regularly. You can choose from different outdoor exercises or you can also exercise indoors, on a rowing machine for example. This way, the body will become stronger and you will achieve a more fit body. However, there are some myths that a lot of people believe in, which may be serving as a barricade for people who really want to make exercise effective for them.
Here are some of the myths that may just be hindering you from achieving real fitness:
1. People who spend more time at the gym see better results
The time you spend in the gym does not equate to the success of your fitness program. It is not right to assume that people who are working out for less than an hour are not doing enough. Fitness is not about the time; it is about the effectiveness of the workout routine that you have chosen. If you only have limited time to spend in the gym because of the demand of your work, you just need to choose an intensive training program that can effectively work even if you just do it for a shorter period of time. Another thing that has to be considered is your dedication; you need to keep a regular gym schedule even if it is only for an hour each day or every other day.
2. You need to sweat for an hour for the exercise to be effective
Many people who go to the gym, especially women, believe that sweating for an hour will make them physically fit. Sweating is a determinant that you are burning calories but it is not enough. For you to get a healthy body, you should not only focus on cardio exercises. You also have to choose exercises that can strengthen the muscle. Remember that this is not just about cutting away fat but also about strengthening the bones and building muscles.
3. Running can make your knees weak
Some people don’t run because they are thinking about the effect it can have on their knees. It is a hoax to believe that people who run have weaker knees compared to those who do not. The feet are designed for walking and running. If you want to be fit, you should consider running because it strengthens your stamina, builds leg muscle and helps you achieve cardiovascular health.
4. To get flat abs, you have to focus on crunches
This is a myth that most women believe in. You should not only be dependent on crunches in you want to get those washboard abs. In gaining weight, the whole body is affected. As it gains, the different parts of the body also get bigger. In eliminating fats and trying to get flat abs, you need to consider other cardio exercises. Make it a habit to include holistic exercise in your daily routine. Do not focus on a single part of the body because it will not be effective that way.
If you really want to achieve a positive result in your daily exercise, here are some tips that you should consider:
- Choose the right food and eat the right amount. Do not settle for what is available. You need to add more natural food in your diet. You should also consider protein rich food like dairy products and seafood.
- Make exercise a priority. Do not sacrifice the time you have allotted for your daily workout for other things. To make this possible, you need to choose the right time of the day for your daily exercise.
- Choose the activities that you are interested in. If you are a person who loves to go out and appreciate nature, you should consider running and biking. If you want to do it indoors, you can also exercise on a rowing machine or treadmill.
Your body should be treated like the most important property that you have. As such, don’t fall victim to myths about how you should approach your workouts. Be informed and educated. Don’t just settle for something that you know nothing about. Exercising should be a regular thing and it should be done the right way. Stay healthy and be selective about what you choose to do and not do. In the long run, all of these efforts will pay off.
Author bio:
Jack is a personal trainer with over 20 years in the fitness industry. He has run in dozens of marathons across the country. He is an expert advisor for various fitness related entities and writes regularly for several health/exercise websites, including
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