As humans, we are creatures of habit. Habits are things we do as part of our routine and they get us through our day. When we do something over and over again, it can be done effortlessly without really being engaged. Like making dinner in your kitchen everyday. You can do this easily because you know where everything is, you do it daily and you don’t have to be mindfully engaged to perform many actions. Now, make dinner at a friends house and see how effortlessly you can make that happen…. not. You don’t know where things are causing you to have to engage your brain to really think about what you are doing.
We have many daily habits but, some are good and some are bad. Breaking a bad habit or trying to start a good one takes time and effort.
Let’s detour to health and fitness…. once you are in the habit to fit in your exercise or make healthy food choices, its easy to fit them in. But getting there can be tough. By nature, our primal instincts want us to conserve energy and seek out high energy food sources. Pair that with modern conveniences and we have a recipe that can derail our health goals.
You can do anything you really put your mind to, but you have to choose to do it. Some of us… I mean, most of us need a swift kick to get started.
What’s my swift kick… this Pavlok. I am trying out this Pavlok wristband to see if it can help me to stop biting my nails. A habit I have done since 5th grade! (so, 25 years? shut up!).
You can see my Pavlok Video Diary #1 which is far more exciting than #2. Really its totally boring. I have been wearing the Pavlok for 48 hours with a lot of success. I know I bite my nails when I am stressed or really thinking hard about something, studying, reading etc. In this video I recorded myself working on the computer (a time when nail biting is more frequent for me) but I didn’t bite them once! -(don’t worry, I increased the speed 1000x) . I wanted to bite my nails but I have become so aware of it that I can stop myself… aside from the fact that I don’t want to get shocked either.
I haven’t been reluctant to shock myself when needed. If I bite my nails, I hit the button. It doesn’t hurt, its just uncomfortable.
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