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- Changes to Workout and cardio
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- Contest prep 2015 – Calculations and initial plan
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** 10 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, February 7th-13th 2015
Weight range: 137.8 – 138.2
Weekly low: 137.8
I wanted to hit the low 137’s this week but I missed 4 workouts due to being sick…so, whatev. This low is still lower than last weeks low! That is progress. 🙂
Workouts Schedule: Added 5 min onto Sundays LISS session, 1 interval onto Tuesdays MIIT session, and exchanged LISS for MIIT on Friday. I also changed up the rep ranges I am working in as well, see: Workout plan – Week 6 – Contest Prep 2015
- Refeed – Saturday: Shoulders + 7 HIIT – REFEED
- Med- Sunday: 20 min LISS, Legs and abs (quads/ hams/ calves)
- Med – Monday: 20 min LISS, Back + biceps
- Low – Tuesday: 7 MIIT + abs
- High – Wednesday: 20 min LISS Chest + triceps
- Med – Thursday: High rep shoulder day and/or glut + ab exercises- high rep 12-20 + 7 HIIT
- Low – Friday: 5 MIIT
Diet: This week I decreased fat grams by 5 grams per day. My printable diet plan: Week 6 Printable 10 Weeks Out
- High day: 190g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Medium day: 160g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Low day: 130g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Refeed day: 275g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
Feb. 7th, 2015: There is nothing like a litte flu, okay, alotta flu to see a nice decrease on the scale this week! OMG… this weekend my entire household had the flu. I had it the worst. It was pretty much a puke fest and it sucked big time. I am still recovering. hit 136.2 saturday morning but I won’t record that in my weekly lows.
Feb. 10th, 2015: The Plague has swept through our household!
finally eating and now I need gum because I can’t eat whatever I want!……
February 12th: So, I am sick and tired of eating fricken factory farm chicken, its gross. When I make chicken for my Husband and kids, I make a locally raised happy chicken and the flavor is above and beyond this crap I am eating. But, local chickens get expensive! $14 for a little chicken…. yeah. On a better note, I have a posing session with Allison MacArthur (Elite Presentation) this Saturday. With my show being 9 weeks away I have to get posing, like everyday! I am a little behind. I will get on that.
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