Recap 2014: Cut Phase/ In Season
October 2013-May 2014
Cut Phase Recap 2014:
- Diet
- Supplements (brief)
- Workouts
- Results
Also check out:
- Build phase 2014
- Contest prep 2015 – Calculations and initial plan
- My weekly cut phase updates
- Competition Guide Articles
2014 Diet:
From October 2013 through May 2014, I had a prep coach, Leslie Franklin of I don’t think I could have gotten through my first season without her. But this year, I am going it alone.
Last year, I signed on with Leslie 21 weeks out.
Starting Diet:
- 60g fat, 28%
- 120g protein, 25%
- 226g carbs, 47% + 250g on refeed day 1x per week
She cut my calories slowly over 21 weeks to:
- 25g fat
- 120g protein
- cycled carb days with 150g on high days, 130g carbs on low days, and 250g of carbs on refeed day
2014 Supplements:
(more details in 2015 prep)
- Creatine Monohydrate – 500g Pure Powder, Took 5 grams with breakfast
- Whey Protein Powder
, 3x per day, especially within 20 min after workout
- Intra lifting session
- Dextrose
- ModernBCAA Plus ( click here to Buy This Specific Product )
- Dextrose
- Pro Supps L Carnitine – 1750 mg ( click here to Buy This Specific Product )
This all worked very well for me aside from a low fat diet causing me to seriously crave things I had never craved before like marshmallows and gummy bears. NOM NOM!
2014 Workouts:
I was lifting each muscle groups 2x per week with 3 heavy days, 3 high rep days and one day off.
Start of Season-
- Saturday: Shoulders & Back – heavy (refeed day)
- Sunday: Legs-Heavy
- Mon: Chest & arms – Heavy
- Tue: off
- Wednesday: Shoulders & back – high rep
- Thursday: Legs & Abs -high rep
- Friday: Chest & Arms – high rep
Just before my first show on March 22, 2014: cardio was slowly added to the following-
- Refeed day- Saturday: Shoulders & Back – heavy, 9 HIIT cardio AFTER workout (refeed day)
- Med day-Sunday: 25 min PreWo Cardio, Legs-Heavy
- Med day-Mon: Chest & arms – Heavy, 9 HIIT cardio AFTER workout
- Med day-Tue: 25 min PreWo Cardio, Shoulders & back – high rep
- High day-Wednesday: 25 min PreWo Cardio, Legs & Abs -high rep
- Med day-Thursday: Chest & Arms – high rep, 9 HIIT cardio AFTER workout
- Low day – Friday: off
– The high, med and low days denote carb cycling for my diet. Refeed being the most carbs.
After my 2nd show in April, The Gopher State Classic 2014, Leslie started to reverse diet me into my 3rd show, the Mr & Mrs Natural MN. Once my third show was done, I had to reverse diet to maintenance calories. Which I failed miserably at. I had been cutting essentially for 32 weeks for 3 shows! Psychologically I needed a break more than my body did. I ate way too much and ate just because. luckily, Leslie knew what she was doing and adjusted my diet to keep my metabolism high. So, after binge eating for about 1 month post show, I gained 6 pounds. I was happy with that but, I kept going. Not bingeing and eating everything in site but just enjoying food whenever I wanted. Over the next 5 months I gained 20 pounds above my stage weight. That was a bit more than I wanted to maintain.
Results 2014:
Upper Midwest, NPC, Fargo, ND: 4th in open figure
Gopher State Classic, NPC, Eden Prairie, MN: 3rd Open Figure
Mr & Mrs. Natural Show, NANBF, Bloomington, MN: 4th in Novice Figure and 7th in Open
Photo’s by Liquid Spectrum
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