Weekly Updates Include:
- Progress Pics
- Changes to diet
- Changes to Workout and cardio
- Video diary
Also check out:
- Cut phase 2014
- Build phase 2014
- Contest prep 2015 – Calculations and initial plan
- Contest prep 2016
- Competition Guide Articles
Week 1 / 15 weeks out
Week 2 / 14 weeks out
Week 3 / 13 weeks out
Week 4 / 12 weeks out
Week 5 / 11 weeks out
Week 6 / 10 weeks out
Week 7 / 9 weeks out
Week 8 / 8 weeks out
Week 9 / 7 weeks out
Week 10 / 6 weeks out
Week 11 / 5 weeks out
Week 12 / 4 weeks out
Week 13 / 3 weeks out
Week 14 / 2 weeks out
Week 15 / 1 weeks out
Contest Day
Reverse Diet
Printables- Free all in one spot 2015 contest prep diet and workout downloads including templates:
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**Week 1 /15 weeks to contest recap**
January 4th-10th 2015
See full calculations and plan here: My Contest Prep 2015
Height: 5′ 6″ tall
Weight: 144 lbs 18% BF
Weekly low: 143.8
Daily Macros:
- 220g carbs
- 120g protein
- 50g fat
Exercises: Workout plan and exercises week 1
Diet: Week 1 Printable Week 15
Other printables and templates:
- Workout Plan, Build Phase, Sept-Dec 2014 Heather Get Fit. Go Figure
- Exercises – Workout plan and exercises week 1
- Blank Fridge worthy template: You will have to move your workouts to the appropriate time of day.
** Week 2, 14 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, January 11th – 17th, 2015
Weight range: 141.4 -142
Weekly low: 141.4
Workout Schedule: No change. Same as week 1.
- Saturday: Shoulders + 5 HIIT – REFEED
- Sunday: 10 min LISS, Legs and abs (quads/ hams/ calves)
- Monday: 10 min LISS, Chest + triceps
- Tuesday: 5 HIIT + High rep shoulder day
- Wednesday: Back + biceps
- Thursday: 10 min LISS, abs, glutes and plyo excercises- high rep 12-20
- Friday: Off
Daily Macros: Decrease 100 calories per day. Subtracts 15g carbs and 5g fat.
- 205g carbs
- 120g protein
- 45g fat
Fridge worthy printable: Week 2 Printable 14 Weeks Out
My Saturday refeed day:
Daily total: 275 carbs, 35g Fat, 130 protein
- Meal 1: protein + fat, no carbs
- Workout– no dextrose, only BCAA’s
- Meal 2: protein, fat, 100g carbs (low fat foods)
- Meal 3: protein, fat, 100 carbs (low fat foods)
- Meal 4: protein, fat, 75g carbs (low fat foods)
- Meal 5: protein + fat if any macro’s left
- Meal 6: protein + fat if any macro’s left
Other News:
This week I ordered Jan Tana DIY competition tan products for $70. This will last me about 3 shows and will be the first time I use the DIY method. Eek! Last season I went with the event tanner at $110 per show! This year, the hubby will have to help be apply this as I will be in the buff and can’t reach certain areas and crackerooni’s!
I feel like I won’t lean out, lose weight in time, do it wrong, look flat on stage, make a fool of myself, place lower than I did last year.. ugh!
Meals and workouts are going well. Not hungry, getting enough mostly. Shit’s just getting started. Shoulder is doing okay, as long as I don’t overdo the upper body stuff. My physical therapist has me strengthening my lower traps along with joint mobility.
To maintain and relieve tight muscles, I have been using as needed a foam roller, lacrosse ball and a tens machine to try and keep my tense shoulder muscles and back at bay.
** Week 3, 13 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, January 17th – 23rd 2015
Looking right on schedule. Waist def. looks better than week 1 with a tad more definition overall. Small changes are big changes!
Weight range: 139.6 – 140.2
Weekly low: 139.6 (fluke- one day and then back to the 140’s)
Workouts Schedule: Added 5 min onto each LISS session
- Saturday: Shoulders + 5 HIIT – REFEED
- Sunday: 15 min LISS, Legs and abs (quads/ hams/ calves)
- Monday: 15 min LISS, Chest + triceps
- Tuesday: 5 HIIT + High rep shoulder day
- Wednesday: Back + biceps
- Thursday: 15 min LISS, abs, glutes and plyo excercises- high rep 12-20
- Friday: Off
This week I felt the need to harness my inner Arnold and Run the Rack! Arnold Schwarzenegger would use this method to “shock” his muscles and keep his body from adapting. I have been doing a 1x per week workout for several months. Its time to shake things up!
Here’s how to run the rack: Where you take a dumbbell exercise such as bicep curls, start at a weight that only allows you to hit 6-8 reps, once to failure, set those dumbbells down and immediately pick up dumbbells that are 5 pounds less and do the same and so on until you hit weights that are no longer a challenge.
Daily Macro’s: I cut 10g of carbs per day and 5g of fat. Daily totals:
- 195g carbs
- 120g protein
- 40g fat
Fridge worthy printable: Week 3 Printable 13 Weeks Out
Refeed stays the same. My Saturday refeed day:
Daily total: 275 carbs, 35g Fat, 130 protein
- Meal 1: protein + fat, no carbs
- Workout– no dextrose, only BCAA’s
- Meal 2: protein, fat, 100g carbs (low fat foods)
- Meal 3: protein, fat, 100 carbs (low fat foods)
- Meal 4: protein, fat, 75g carbs (low fat foods)
- Meal 5: protein + fat if any macro’s left
- Meal 6: protein + fat if any macro’s left
Week 3 Contest Prep Journal Entries and Video Diaries
The above naked video….. No 139 just yet…. I just need to break 140!
This week my Mom began designing my suit. yay! Not sure on which fabric I will go with but I am going to bling the suit myself with hot fix crystals and buy rhinestone connectors off Etsy.
** Week 4, 12 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, January 24th – 30th 2015
Weight range: 139.4 – 140.6
Weekly low: 139.4
Feelin great! No cravings, I am only hungry if I stay up late and work on this blog til midnight… I run out of macros around 9pm. 🙁 Luckily, I try to get my butt in bed earlier most days…say, 11:45. 😀 Don’t follow my example… you need sleep to recover and build muscle!
Workout Schedule: Added 5 min onto each LISS session, 1 interval on each HIIT and a MIIT session.
- Refeed – Saturday: Shoulders + 6 HIIT – REFEED
- High – Sunday: 15 min LISS, Legs and abs (quads/ hams/ calves)
- Med – Monday: 15 min LISS, Back + biceps
- Low – Tuesday: 5 MIIT + abs
- High – Wednesday: 15 min LISS Chest + triceps
- Med – Thursday: High rep shoulder day and/or glut + ab exercises- high rep 12-20 + 6 HIIT
- Low – Friday: Off
Daily Macro’s: I will start carb cycling: I will have high, medium and low carb days. Refeed day remains the highest.
- High day: 190g carbs, 120g protein, 35g fat
- Medium day: 160g carbs, 120g protein, 35g fat
- Low day: 130g carbs, 120g protein, 35g fat
- Refeed day: 275g carbs, 120g protein, 35g fat
High days are centered around important muscle groups and heavy lifting days and low days are centered around off days and cardio only days.
On low days, there are a few meals that specify “0g carbs.” For these meals I have a big mixed greens salad with walden farms dressing or broccoli. Again, some people count net carbs in those high fiber veggies, others leave them as a “free” food. Choose one and be consistent. It will all depend on what works for you and how your metabolism reacts. Check out the High fiber veggie list.
Fridge worthy printable –Week 4 Printable 12 Weeks Out
Week 4 Contest Prep Journal Entries and Video Diaries
Other News:
I had a phys therapy appt today and have been given a clean bill of health. I can lift beast mode heavy on the shoulders… which I have been doing the last couple of weeks with no problem. She recommended I continue on with my exercises while weaning off of them. One piece of exercise equipment she told me to continue to use is the Body Blade…. I really liked it. It can help you increase strength without putting a ton of stress on joints or other painful areas.
** Week 5, 11 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, January 31st – February 6th 2015
Weight range: 138.0 -139.6
Weekly low: 138.0
Workouts Schedule:
Added 5 min onto each LISS session, 1 interval on each HIIT and a MIIT session. Lifting remains the same: Workout plan and exercises week 1
- Refeed – Saturday: Shoulders + 7 HIIT – REFEED
- Med- Sunday: 15 min LISS, Legs and abs (quads/ hams/ calves)
- Med – Monday: 20 min LISS, Back + biceps
- Low – Tuesday: 6 MIIT + abs
- High – Wednesday: 20 min LISS Chest + triceps
- Med – Thursday: High rep shoulder day and/or glut + ab exercises- high rep 12-20 + 7 HIIT
- Low – Friday: Off
All I did was exchange a high day for a medium day on Sunday. Printable diet plan stays the same as last week: Week 5 Printable 11 Weeks Out
- High day: 190g carbs, 120g protein, 35g fat
- Medium day: 160g carbs, 120g protein, 35g fat
- Low day: 130g carbs, 120g protein, 35g fat
- Refeed day: 275g carbs, 120g protein, 35g fat
Week 5 Contest Prep Journal Entries and Video Diaries
Sunday Feb 1: So far so good. Weight was 139.6 after a refeed day. Usually your weight will be 1-3 pounds (or more depending on muscle mass) higher the day after refeed but, goes down within a few days and still hitting lows by the end of the week. As the weeks go on, I may add 25-50 grams more of carbs to my refeed day as I have the muscle to take it. Let’s see how my weight goes first for the next couple of refeeds. Cutting programs have to be pretty intuitive to make them super individual.
Monday Feb 2nd: War with the scale. So, I hopped on the scale today to see 138.8… new low! Just to be sure, I re-weighed myself only to see 139.6. The same weight as yesterday. darn it. Being all disappointed I got back on the scale-139.6, again-139.6, again-139.6, again-139.6… .okay, okay, defeated…geez
And this is the heart attack he made…..
** Week 6, 10 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, February 7th-13th 2015
Weight range: 137.8 – 138.2
Weekly low: 137.8
I wanted to hit the low 137’s this week but I missed 4 workouts due to being sick…so, whatev. This low is still lower than last weeks low! That is progress. 🙂
Workouts Schedule: Added 5 min onto Sundays LISS session, 1 interval onto Tuesdays MIIT session, and exchanged LISS for MISS on Friday. I also changed up the rep ranges I am working in as well : Workout plan – Week 6 – Contest Prep 2015
- Refeed – Saturday: Shoulders + 7 HIIT – REFEED
- Med- Sunday: 20 min LISS, Legs and abs (quads/ hams/ calves)
- Med – Monday: 20 min LISS, Back + biceps
- Low – Tuesday: 7 MIIT + abs
- High – Wednesday: 20 min LISS Chest + triceps
- Med – Thursday: High rep shoulder day and/or glut + ab exercises- high rep 12-20 + 7 HIIT
- Low – Friday: 5 MITT
Diet: This week I decreased fat grams by 5 grams per day. My printable diet plan: Week 6 Printable 10 Weeks Out
- High day: 190g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Medium day: 160g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Low day: 130g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Refeed day: 275g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
Feb. 7th, 2015: There is nothing like a litte flu, okay, alotta flu to see a nice decrease on the scale this week! OMG… this weekend my entire household had the flu. I had it the worst. It was pretty much a puke fest and it sucked big time. I am still recovering. hit 136.2 saturday morning but I won’t record that in my weekly lows.
Feb. 10th, 2015: The Plague has swept through our household!
finally eating and now I need gum because I can’t eat whatever I want!……
February 12th: So, I am sick and tired of eating fricken factory farm chicken, its gross. When I make chicken for my Husband and kids, I make a locally raised happy chicken and the flavor is above and beyond this crap I am eating. But, local chickens get expensive! $14 for a little chicken…. yeah. On a better note, I have a posing session with Allison MacArthur (Elite Presentation) this Saturday. With my show being 9 weeks away I have to get posing, like everyday! I am a little behind. I will get on that.
** Week 7, 9 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, February 14th – 20th 2015
Weight range:136.4-138
Weekly low: 136.4
Workouts Schedule: exercises and cardio stay the same as last week- Workout plan – Week 6 – Contest Prep 2015
- Refeed – Saturday: Shoulders + 7 HIIT – REFEED
- Med- Sunday: 20 min LISS, Legs and abs (quads/ hams/ calves)
- Med – Monday: 20 min LISS, Back + biceps
- Low – Tuesday: 7 MIIT + abs
- High – Wednesday: 20 min LISS Chest + triceps
- Med – Thursday: High rep shoulder day and/or glut + ab exercises- high rep 12-20 + 7 HIIT
- Low – Friday: 5 MITT
Thursday Circuit this week:
Shoulders, abs and glutes. Do the following 4x through:
1. DB shoulder press 15-20 reps
2. Weighted reverse crunches 10-15 reps
3. Split squat with DB, back leg on bench 12-15
4. Side raises with DB 15-20
5. Hanging knee raises 20 reps
6. Glute thrusters with BB 15
rest 1 min. repeat
Diet: This week I decreased carbs by 20 gram per day. Now my high, low and medium days look like this:
- High day: 170g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Medium day: 140g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Low day: 110g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Refeed day: 275g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
The above macros also do not include high fiber veggies I eat like brocolli.
Refeed stays the same.
Feb 18th: My Sunday and Monday LISS sessions turned into MISS sessions. This means that instead of keeping my heart rate in the 130(ish) range, I kept it in the 150 (ish) range. I was just feeling good and rocked out my workout. I hit 136.4 this morning! Fabulous and spot on for this week but today…. oh today… I ate 20g more carbs and 30g more fat than I should have…. That works out to be about 338 more calories than I should have consumed. I made Emeril’s Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies yesterday and they are just so flipping good, I couldn’t resist. Then, I finished off the Annies Gluten Free Mac n Cheese my kids didn’t eat. At any rate, I had 3 meals worth of carbs all for lunch. AND to top it off, I had to make a paleo cake and kept poppin little bites here and there. BAD NEWS BEARS!!!!!!! Let’s hope my weight will be forgiving and I will at least stay in the 136 range.
Um, yeah…..
Feb 20th: So, I went from 136.4 to 138.2 after that cookie debacle. Today I am at 137.2. Not terrible. Set backs. 🙁 Things are getting harder. My body doesn’t want to get below 136. It was easy up until now but now I am getting just a little hungry in the afternoons or late evenings. All I want to do is pop a bite of something yummy. But, when I do that, it leads to another bite and another!!! Then, I am two pounds heavier the next day set back by 2 weeks. This is no good. Too many carbs is one thing and I can burn those off, but too much fat in this type of program will be laid right back down on my ass…… I got this…. I can do this!!!
I do like my meals though… tasty and fresh, sauteed apples or bananas for carbs to switch it up from sweet potatoes, and lots of veggies!
Progress pics comparison, getting better little by little, but I have a lot of work to do!
** Week 8, 8 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, February 21st – 27th 2015
Weight range: 137.2 – 139.
Weekly low: 137.2
Did not see 136 or 135 for that matter this week. See entries below on troubleshooting my weight.
chest | waist | hips | arm | thigh | |
Week 1 | 36.5 | 33 | 36 | 13.5 | 20 |
Week 8 | 34.5 | 30.5 | 33.75 | 12.5 | 19.5 |
My chest measurement doesn’t seem right but it is what it is. Maybe I had more fat on my upper body than I thought. 🙂
Workouts Schedule:
Exercises are the same: Workout plan – Week 6 – Contest Prep 2015. Cardio on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday has changed from LISS to MISS and increased from 20 min to 30 min. On Friday, I added 1 interval of MIIT
- Refeed – Saturday: Shoulders + 7 HIIT – REFEED
- Med- Sunday: 30 min MISS, Legs and abs (quads/ hams/ calves)
- Med – Monday: 30 min MISS, Back + biceps
- Low – Tuesday: 7 MIIT + abs
- High – Wednesday: 30 min MISS Chest + triceps
- Med – Thursday: High rep shoulder day and/or glut + ab exercises- high rep 12-20 + 7 HIIT
- Low – Friday: 6 MIIT
Workout for Thursday: Focuses on Glutes and Abs. No shoulders today as they are hurting. Not the good kind of muscles-have-been-worked-over kind of hurt, but my joints… 🙁 Must listen to my body!
No changes to diet this week.
- High day: 170g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Medium day: 140g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Low day: 110g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Refeed day: 275g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
The above macros also do not include high fiber veggies I eat like brocolli.
Refeed meal stays the same.
Feb 24th: I expect weight fluctuation will be greater after refeed day from now on. This week so far:
- Saturday- Morning of refeed day: 137.4
- Sunday: 139.2
- Monday: 138.4
- Tuesday: 137.2
I expect my weight to be 136 by Wednesday, and high 135 ish by Friday for a new low.
Why the greater fluctuations? As my calorie deficit increases through cardio and carb cycling from here on out (my fat is already at its lowest), glycogen in my muscles and liver are depleted through the week. Once I fill up on refeed day, my glycogen stores fill up…. And, for every gram of glycogen in your body, it holds 3 grams of water. Also, knowing my max carb limit will be important when I write my peak week (the week before the contest) as I want to fill up my glycogen stores so my muscles look full and skin tight, but not bloated (or spilled over).
Feb 26th: Troubleshooting my weight. My weight is currently stuck and I haven’t hit 136 yet.. I could have plateaued or my period is coming up and I am retaining water. Once I get my period, my weight will come down to where it should be. So tempted to up the cardio like crazy.. not going to quite yet. I look better than last week so something good is going on. Remember, weight is just a number… how you look is most important. If you look and feel leaner than the last week, you are doing okay. BUT, I will be hitting freak out mode soon if my weight doesn’t’ come down by middle of next week… its getting too close!
**Week 9, 7 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, February 28th – March 6th 2015
Get a load of this drop… on week 9.. 138-135.4….
week 8 |
8 | 139.2 | 138.2 | 137.2 | 138.2 | 138.6 | 138.2 | |
week 9 | 7 | 138.4 | 139.2 ( stopped spironolactin) | 138 | 135.4 | 136 |
Well, on Friday, the day my weight hit 135.4, finally, I got my period… two weeks late! I feel like my body was just hanging on to water or something the whole time. I was in freak out mode! I knew this drop would happen when I finally cycled.
Also, I stopped taking a medication used to treat my acne called spironolactin. It is a mild diretic and a banned substance 3 weeks out of NANBF show. My dermatologist switched me onto an antibiotic until after my shows are done. I am not taking anything yet as my skin is doing pretty well but when I stopped taking the med, I also expected to retain more water as well.
Workout Schedule:
Exercises are for leg day will be higher rep. Instead of 8-10 reps, I will be doing 15-20 ish. My legs are big enough. 🙂
I have also incorporated body weight progression exercises to work toward doing 1 arm pull-ups, 1 arm push-ups, pistol squats, and 1 arm handstand push-ups 😀 Workout plan and exercises – Week 9, 7 weeks out
For cardio, I added 1 HIIT interval to Saturday and 3 to Thursday. I changed MIIT to HIIT on Tuesday and added an interval. I added a 45 min LISS session to Monday, Tuesday and Friday in the morning. I like steady state in the morning. I throw on a movie and cycle away on my bike trainer. There are a hundred different ways to schedule and add cardio. This works best for me right now.
- Refeed – Saturday: Shoulders + 8 HIIT – REFEED
- Med- Sunday: 30 min MISS, Legs and abs (quads/ hams/ calves)
- Med – Monday: AM 45 min LISS + 30 min MISS, Back + biceps
- Low – Tuesday: AM 45 min LISS, + later 8 HIIT + abs
- High – Wednesday: 30 min MISS Chest + triceps
- Med – Thursday: Shoulder, glut + ab – high rep 12-20 + 11 HIIT
- Low – Friday: AM 45 min LISS + 6 MIIT
One of my HIIT seshes this week: I rested 10 sec for the first 2 rounds, then 15 seconds the second two rounds. Nice switch up from the treadmill, stair-master and bike…
Diet: No changes to diet this week-except for counting the net carbs of all my veggies (started Tuesday)
- High day: 170g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Medium day: 140g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Low day: 110g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Refeed day: 275g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
Refeed meal stays the same.
Next week, I am upping my refeed day to 300g of carbs. If I don’t spill over, and my weight continues to drop, I will up the refeed carbs to 325g the next week and see what I can handle. With all the added low days I will need it. Also, I want to know what I can handle for carbs in a day so that on peak week, I can eat that amount on my carb up.
March 2nd: Six and a half weeks away and my weight is not where is should be… I am freaking out a little, okay a lot! Even though my weight loss for the last two weeks hasn’t been what is should, there is a noticeable difference in my physique as I can see more abs and my jeans fit a whole lot better. But I still have a bunch of fat to loose in my legs and love handle areas…. EFF! I hope it gets gone over the next month!!!! I have to register for the Gopher State like SOON! UGH!
March 4th: Getting into a little freak out mode. My weight hasn’t really gone down in about two weeks so I may need to step it up in a big way next week. This week I started to count the net carbs of all my veggies. I also stopped taking a medication I was on for acne called Spironolactone. It is a mild diuretic and is a banned substance in the NANBF 3 weeks out. I planned on stopping this med 4 weeks out but my dermatologist would rather trouble shoot sooner rather than later. So, I didn’t expect my weight to drop for a few days due to water retention after stopping a diuretic med. But I am still freaking out. I have been practicing posing everyday now… bikini and figure. I am really looking forward to bikini. It should be fun but if that fat doesn’t exit itself my my lower half, I will be quite pissed!
March 5th: My weight has definitely stalled for the last two weeks… but I am looking better everyday so something good is going on. 😀
March 6th: Finally a weight drop! As you read above 😀 yippee!
**Week 10, 6 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, March 7th – 13 th 2015
Weight range: 136-137
Weekly low: 136
Didn’t hit a new low this week. I think my refeed was too high on Saturday the 7th. I will be decreasing refeed from 300 carbs to 250 carbs for March 14th, week 11. Although, you will see below I certainly enjoyed 300 carbs! Refeed carbs, in general should be around 1.5x the amount of your regular daily carbs. The more muscle you have, the more carbs you can handle!
Workout Schedule: I am kicking it up a notch. I am leaning out but my body composition isn’t where I want it. I am feeling pretty good though. Definitely still feel strong and not miserable. 🙂 Cravings are much better than last season but I am not lifting in volumes like I was, and miss. 🙁 So…. I am not burning the cals like I was last year.
I added intervals to each HIIT sessions and an early AM workout to Thursday. Friday I added a HIIT sesh. I feel like I am falling into the cardio trap and doing too much. I also know a zillion other competitors doing much much more as well. There are many avenues to reach the desired goal, although, I have a good feeling my former prep coach- Team Gorman wouldn’t approve of all my cardio! Too much. Workout plan and exercises – Week 9, 7 weeks out. Low and medium days correspond to diet.
- Refeed – Saturday: Shoulders + 11 HIIT / PM 30 min MISS
- Med- Sunday: 30 min MISS, Legs and abs (quads/ hams/ calves)
- Low– Monday: AM 45 min LISS / PM 30 min MISS, Back + biceps
- Low – Tuesday: AM 45 min LISS / PM 11 HIIT + abs
- Med – Wednesday: 30 min MISS Chest + triceps
- Low– Thursday: AM 30 min MISS/ PM Shoulder, glut + ab – high rep 12-20 + 11 HIIT
- Low – Friday: 11 HIIT
Diet: Changing Monday and Tuesday from med to low days and Wednesday from a high to a medium day.
- High day: 170g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Medium day: 140g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Low day: 110g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Refeed day: 300g carbs, 120g protein, 35g fat
March 7th:
Oh how I enjoyed refeed this week with all the added cardio and low days!
Today’s food: 300g carbs, 30g fat, 120g protein
Meal 1: Egg beaters with onions and peppers + 1 slice Udi’s bread toasted with 50/50 jelly
Meal 2: Post workout Protein drink + 5 servings Creme De Pirouline – Artisan Rolled Wafers Dark
Meal 3 : 4 servings gluten free pancakes with #Waldenfarms syrup and 1 cup strawberries
Meal 4: 500 grams of white potato cut into fries and baked + 4 TBsp ketchup
Dinner: shrimp and scallops
Leaning out nicely 😀 The bikini twist is looking better…
March 9th:
Playlists: I need a person to make me a kickin friggin play list… I suck at it and every time I hear songs I LOVE I can’t ever remember what the heck it was later. I was at a UFC fight last Friday and every song they played I wanted on my playlist… did I write any of them down… NO! Ugh.. pandora just isn’t doing it for me right now… getting bored. Is there a playlist guy that will read my mind and make a playlist for me… ? that’s what I need!!! Maybe something like this will work…
March 10th:
So, my girl Trina introduced me to Spotify. She created a playlist for me. And then, I created my own! A Playlist of 35 songs and counting! Click here to see more on that.
Also: kinda freaking out….
I need to be leaner and I only have 6 weeks left!!!
Peanut Butter Jelly time:
March 12th- Body Fat Test:
Well this just goes to show you weight and BF testing are tools and numbers for tracking but the mirror is your ultimate guide! In January I had my BF done and it was 17.5%…. Today, nearly 10lbs down, I had my BF tested at another gym by a different person and they say it is 20%….I went backwards! Not! I am going to just stop weighing myself and doing BF tests!
lats look way better than last year. They better! Core is not bad.. still need some leaning out and I feel like I have no time to do it! I feel behind!!!!!
March 13th:
So, I am nearly 5 weeks out. yeah, got some fat to shed. I feel behind schedule. I am going to rework my lifting program for the next 8 weeks as long as my shoulder stays in good shape! That will help with the calorie burning as well.
Finding time for me right now is a tough one…. I feel like I neglect my kids when I need to go out for a run during dinner time or something. But I rationalize that it is only a short time for this two a day cardio biz. And, me time is always appreciated. 🙂
My strength is barely holding… I am getting to the point now where the lower carb days affect my lifting a little bit like I may not be able to do that extra rep or I might need slightly lighter weights. Most of the time I feel pretty good. I think the intra workout dextrose is very helpful with that.
AND! OMG! I discovered PBfit!
Um yeah, in two TBsp, you have 1.5g fat, 4g carbs and 5g protein! Just add water and holy moly you have some good ol PB! It mixed amazing and quickly to smooth peanut butter! It has 3 ingredients- peanuts, sugar and salt. I am totally blown away! I made a PB jelly sandwich and it fit my macros! AMAZEBALLS! I bought mine at Sam’s club but can easily be bought on-line. See a recipe ideas here!
I apparently have all of the Better Body Foods products in my home and use them regularly. (no agave), but love them all!
You should also check out my Pinterest board of low fat recipes to make during contest prep. Follow Get Fit. Go Figure!’s board Recipes- Low Fat (ish) Contest Prep Diet on Pinterest.
**Week 11, 5 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, March 14th – 20th 2015 Weight range: 133.6- 137 Weekly low: 133.6 and down 1.5% bodyfat. woot!
Workout Schedule:
Feeling pretty good. Cardio is going okay. I like it. Not losing strength… quite yet. Cardio will stay the same this week. Med and low days refer to diet. I am changing my lifting program to working muscle groups 2x per week. My shoulders are doing well and I would rather get calorie burning from more lifting than cardio. Here is the new lifting plan. I will tweak it as I go: Workout Plan – Week 11 – 2x a week
- Refeed – Saturday: Heavy Push + 11 HIIT / PM 30 min MISS
- Med- Sunday: 30 min MISS, Heavy Pull
- Low- Monday: AM 45 min LISS / PM 30 min MISS, Heavy Lower body
- Low – Tuesday: AM 45 min LISS / High Rep Push + 11 HIIT
- High– Wednesday: 30 min MISS High Rep Pull
- Low- Thursday: AM 45 min LISS/ High Rep Lower body+ 11 HIIT
- Low – Friday: 11 HIIT
Diet is changing. I am decreasing cals by 100 by taking out 25 carbs per day. I then changed Wednesday from a medium to a high day. Apparently, sugar free candies are out of the question as the sugar alcohols still count! Just like gum… must limit any of those things to only a few pieces a day.
- High day: 145g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Medium day: 115g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Low day: 80g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Refeed day: 300g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
Lets clarify the carbs I am counting: I count all carbs and sugar alcohols like those in gum and sugar free candies. I also count all carbs in fruit, sweet potatoes, rice and such. I do subtract insoluble fiber from veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, green beans and lettuce. Some people count all carbs not matter what they are. Makes things a bit more simple but, what fun would that be. 😀
March 14th
I love me some refeed day! I had 1.5 servings of Piroulines, 3 servings of GF pancakes with 1 cup strawberries and Walden Farms pancake syrup. Then later I made a grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich with Udi’s GF bread, Jelly, PB fit and I can’t believe its not butter. OMG it was so good. I would have taken a pic of it but I ate it too fast. To finish off the carbs, I had some cinnamon life cereal and almond milk. Nailed the macro’s.
Dream a little dream….
Just thinking about the yummy foods I will be eating post contest… but also prepping my brain to get back in the game the Sunday after. Its not a two week free for all eating binge after a contest. Reverse dieting is super important to keep that bod and ramp your metabolism back up so it can handle lots of yummy carbs and fats! Reverse dieting is actually harder than contest prep…. I swear! I failed miserably at it last year! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9VrR8ts7Uo
My suit is done!
My Mom designed my suit for the bikini division. It is flipping gorgeous and fits perfect… I will be wearing my figure suit from last year for my upcoming contests.
Progress pics:
March 19th:
I feel like I have fallen into the cardio trap. Now that I am lifting 2x per week, it is probably too much… I don’t mind the program and am not dying…. yet- maybe.? Also, last night I ate 15-20 grams too much fat… ugh!!! NOT GOOD! I cannot do this!!!!!! I must watch it! Bad news bears! I was making a quick “ice cream” for my kids in the food processor- coconut milk, frozen banana’s and peanut butter topped with mini chocolate chips… one spoonful taste turned into a few more… although not a total loss, nor a binge… I got this!
HIIT Sesh:
Going to try more negative rest and less HIIT intervals. Today, I will attempt 8 HIIT intervals at 30 seconds on, 15 seconds slow… Done and, yep they sucked….
Running while my son bikes.. so fun!:
Some of my fav snacks getting me through prep: PB Fit on celery and turkey slices with laughing cow cheese on them! YUM!
I discovered Crystal Light!
I don’t think I have ever had this stuff. I don’t ever touch this no calorie low fat crap but man, in prep, crystal light does the trick!
According to these bad boys, I have lost 1.5% BF in the last week.. WOOT!
My marshmallow obsession
During prep, I just crave marshmallows. I did last year too! This week I put some in my pancake batter and made up pancakes for refeed on Saturday and then I have been eating them as a carb source for my post workout meal…. they gotta be the mini regular marshmallows.. not peeps, not giant ones, not chocolate or mint marshmallows… just plain, ol mini marshmallows!
Marshmallow motivation to get me through Friday’s HIIT sesh!
My new gym bag! woot!
Seemingly hairy armpit picture.
I swear I shaved, I think its hoodie lint! 😀 I also feel like my forearm looks all huge… call my Pop Eye the Sailor (wo)Man!
**Week 12, 4 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, March 21st – 27th 2015 NPC Gopher State Classic on April 18th, 2015
The demons have set in and are in full force
3.5 weeks out to the Gopher State Classic. This may be a typical time frame when you obsess in the mirror every time you pass one over those last fat patches that need to disintegrate. You are tired, working hard, getting just enough to eat to not starve but not really satisfy. I feel like I won’t get lean enough, I feel like I am wasting my time and money, I feel like my body type is so square and I am so flat chested that I won’t look feminine enough on stage for bikini and don’t have the muscling or leanness for figure…. What am I doing!? This is the time that separates the neurotic from the level headed. This is the time to decipher whether or not this is something you should keep pursuing in the future. Do you have what it takes? Do you have the strength? Do you have enough sense to keep your head on straight? Can you put your family and your health first? It is all possible, but challenging. There is a dark side of competing which keeps many from doing it again. It can exacerbate internal issues people already struggle with- eating disorders, body image issues, trying to get results the wrong way wrecking their metabolism for months and months afterward. Sure, everyone has their demons, their insecurities, their doubts but you have to have the strength and confidence to be smart about training and competing. You must always prioritize your health and make sure your program encourages a healthy, balanced method of prepping. (See How to Choose a Great Contest Prep Coach) This is where having a supportive group of people that also compete around you as a resource. This is when you need supportive family and friends. They can guide you and ease your worries. Even the most experienced pro has doubts. Now, I don’t want a supportive group of people (fam, friends or competitors) to sit there and tell me I look perfect and don’t need to change a thing when I full well know my lower half needs some serious leaning out. I want the truth. What I do need are motivating people that can help me push through the struggle, give me coping mechanisms, know that I am not the only one struggling. Who are my support groups? Family and friends of course but I also need some people who compete so, I am a part of local bodybuilding facebook groups, bodybuilding forums like SimplyShredded.com and my former prep coaches facebook team page. I am lucky enough to still be on it even though I am not paying for their services this year. Trying to save money. 🙂
Week 12 Weight range:
I don’t know. I stopped weighing myself as it was driving me crazy. I am at the point now where the mirror will be my guide. I know where I need to lose fat and those fat patches are evident… like my love handle area and my lower half.
Workout Schedule:
Cardio volume is a bit high, I am very tired and losing strength. I thinking reversing some cardio out is a good idea now that I upped the lifting program to lifting muscle groups 2x per week. I am glad to be back at that lifting schedule. Workout Plan – Week 11 – 2x a week. Diet will stay the same. To reverse cardio out, I will start by decreasing each MISS cardio session by 10 min and see how my body composition hold and progresses. When I do HIIT sessions, they vary in that sometimes I will do 11 intervals of 20-30 seconds on, 30-60 seconds off and other sessions I will do negative rest where I will be 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off and repeat. Good for post workout calorie burn!
- Refeed – Saturday: Heavy Pull + 11 HIIT / PM 20 min MISS
- High- Sunday: 20 min MISS, Heavy Push
- Med- Monday: AM 45 min LISS / PM Heavy Lower body + 11 HIIT
- Low – Tuesday: AM 45 min LISS / High Rep Pull + 20 MISS
- High– Wednesday: AM 45 min Liss / High Rep Push + 11 HIIT
- Med- Thursday: AM 45 min LISS/ High Rep Lower body+ 20 min MISS
- Low – Friday: 11 HIIT
Diet: Week 12
Diet will stay the same this week.
- High day: 145g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Medium day: 115g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Low day: 80g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Refeed day: 300g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
Saturday March 21: Refeed Day
Refeed days just Eff with my head at this point… when my carbs are getting low, it just messes with my mojo and it takes me all of Sunday to get back in the game! crap… I feel super full right now and super fat. I know I am not fat but I have a goal to lose some more L-B’s and I feel like I went backwards, even though I know I didn’t. I know my metabolism needs the refeed days to stay up and running! But seriously, my stack O pancakes with strawberries were so fabulous! Some take refeed days out all together at this point and just cycle in high, medium and low carb days. Every prep for each individual can be so vastly different, even season to season for the same person due to muscularity, leanness, metabolism and lifestyle. I have been reading a little bit on how carb cycling is not necessary the majority of the time in prep. Those that follow this may only use carb cycling when body fat levels get to below normal levels closer to a contest. Otherwise, carbs are the same all week but kept as high as possible. No refeeds. Interesting stuff.
Tuesday March 24th: In need of a detox
I wrote a post on feeling a little toxic after utilizing fake sweetener food to fit things into my macros. (Article: In Need of a Detox) The above pic is how I would occasionally curb an after dinner sweet tooth… 2-3 strawberries with 1-2 TBsp of Walden Farms Chocolate syrup. But, there are artificial sweeteners in all these supplements I take like protein powder and BCAA’s. It all adds up… bleck. I am taking a break from the added calorie condiments for a while. In lieu of eating all these toxic inflammatory foods and supplements, I then decided to write a post about joining the Real Food Revolution. 🙂
Thursday March 26th: Just grab a handful
My low carb days (less than 30g) aren’t so bad. I like when push comes to shove. But on the high carb days, you have to really make a point to stop eating. So what if I didn’t portion it on my plate, there is still more in the kitchen! Must chew gum, drink water, go for a walk. If I say to myself- you are done eating, you don’t need it and it won’t help you reach your goal, I can make it. Its when I think, well, I have 15g of carbs left for the day, I’ll just grab a handful of __X___. Then it starts. A few handfuls of somethings can really add up. Just like a bite here or a bite there.
Trying to get it all in- one sick kid
My oldest kiddo has been sick for the last few days. I do love the extra snuggle time …. but, this makes it very hard to get my workouts in. I can’t take the kids to the gym daycare, but getting a good workout in at home while I have one well kid under my feet and another sick one that needs lots of love isn’t easy. I have been getting up early every morning to get in most of it and then I will do a bit more after the husby is off work or I will just hit the gym then. But, when I or my husband has an evening commitment, hitting the gym in the evening doesn’t work either. You just got to do your best to put family first and then get in your fitness.
Friday March 27th, the end of Week 12
I am happy with the leaning out that has been happening over the last 2 weeks. My weight isn’t dropping a ton but I am burning off that fat and gaining some muscle. I have been using body fat calipers 1x per week at this point and not weighing myself regularly (maybe 2 x per week as opposed to everyday.)
Got my Shirts!
Progress Pics
Let’s do a little eval. On the bikini poses, of course, as a woman, my upper half is leaning out nicely but the lower half is a little “thick” for bikini right now. I have to lean that out. (aside from the fact that I have no boobs which I keep getting the feeling that really does matter in bikini.. but oh well.) For figure, I need much more shoulder muscle to be top notch as well as much much leaner. I need to be able to see the muscle lines in my legs. Not shredded but be able to see the separation between the quad muscle groups. I’ve got three weeks to get on the stage…. hopefully I am somewhat ready.
Some posing session excerpts from March 28th 2015.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmXRqlaXhjM I’ll post the figure posing video later… for now, I am tired! good night.
A little more back action for fun. 😀
**Week 13, 3 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, March 28th – April 3rd 2015 NPC Gopher State Classic on April 18th, 2015
Pardon my French:
This SHIT is HARD as hell!! It is NOT for the faint of heart…. FUCKity fuck fuck. That’s what I have to say about that. AND, it can be so discouraging when you are working so effing hard and you feel like you are not leaning out enough. Really, at this point, the leaner you get, the harder it can be to get lean. Boo. Damn, I was almost ready to quit the other day thinking, what in the mother effing hell am I doing this for? Why torture myself? An hour later I was fine. Its fun, its a challenge, a competition against yourself, your friends, your not yet friends 😀 … what ev. I just love being in the sport as I have met so many supportive, kick ass people. I just love it. And bonus, I get a hot bod out of the deal. 🙂 and a few trophies (hopefully).
Workout Schedule:
I am doing more HIIT sessions outside- SO MUCH BETTER! This week I am taking out some more cardio. I am still leaning out. Again, upping the lifting program helped a lot and sticking to my diet is very important to keeping out the cardio. This week I am decreasing each LISS session by 15 minutes and moving to a pre-workout (PW) carido session. I am too tired to get up in the AM’s. This way, I will have a super long warm up, lift for about an hour, then get in a good 20 min if MISS or HIIT cardio. This is last weeks workout plan printable: Workout Plan – Week 11 – 2x a week
- Refeed – Saturday: Heavy Pull + 11 HIIT / PM 20 min MISS
- High- Sunday: Heavy Push + 20 min MISS
- Med- Monday: 30 min PW + Heavy Lower body + 11 HIIT
- Low – Tuesday: 30 min PW + High Rep Pull + 20 MISS
- High- Wednesday: 30 min PW + High Rep Push + 11 HIIT
- Med- Thursday: 30 min PW + High Rep Lower body + 20 min MISS
- Low – Friday: 11 HIIT
Diet: Week 13
Refeed ended up a bit higher than planned on Saturday. I just couldn’t stop eating marshmallows! At any rate, it ended up being 350g of carbs, not 300g . But, my weight held fine so my body needed it. phew. In the clear. Anyway, this week, I am keeping the high, medium and low days this week but the low day will be a zero carb day and the high day will be 145. 0g carb days will include 3-4 servings of veggies like asparagus, broccoli and cauliflower.
- High day: 145g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Medium day: 70g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
- Low day: 0g carbs, 120g protein, 35g fat
- Refeed day: 350g carbs, 120g protein, 30g fat
My after dinner savoir
Darn fake foods.. sure are helping me out in a pinch. After dinner I always want just a little extra, so, I get out the Crystal light. I started mixing it with sparkling water… YUM! and, its very refreshing on a warm spring day!
Video Diary- waxing, exfoliating and marshmallows!
How to Bling Your Competition Suit
Super Sweaty Cardio Sesh …..
Hmmm, my heart rate monitor sticks out furtïher than my boobs…. When I am lifting, it looks like a third one!
Finally got the stinky out of my HR monitor! See how here…
Progress Pics at the end of week 13:
**Week 14, 2 weeks to contest **
Cut Phase, April 4th – April 11th 2015 NPC Gopher State Classic on April 18th, 2015
Body Composition
I had a 7 point body fat test done today by Andrew Brightman (Personal Trainer & bodybuilder). My body fat right now is around 11-12% ish. I wanted to be leaner by now but, its a good place for bikini, not for figure. Prepping yourself is tough when it gets to these stages and you have NO ONE to answer to but yourself if you cheat or didn’t prep correctly. Beginning this week, Andrew will be prepping me to keep me on track. As I have stated before, my body is all in-between with too big of legs and back for bikini but not big enough shoulders for figure, but, I am going to role with it for now and then work on these shoulders in the off season now that I have the shoulder issues under control!
Keeping the Shoulder in Good Health
My issues stemmed from poor posture including a rotated shoulder blade, old severe whiplash trauma injuries, super tight muscles and weak lower traps. If I keep my lower traps strong with my rehab exercises and get regular massages and chiro adjustments (my chiro uses the activator method for which I will never go back to other chiro’s that twist my neck around to get that crunch), my upper body is GOLDEN!!! The biggest thing is to be able to keep up on the regular massages (darn :D) and keep my lower trap muscles strong. Totally a BIG DEAL!!! the above affects my posture in a huge way. When things are not aligned, bones rub on things they are not supposed to causing pain and possible severe injuries. Posture is super key, especially when lifting heavy weights.
Workout Schedule:
I took out 10 minutes of each PW session. For lifting, I have been instructed to add some shoulder exercises every other day before and after my lifting sessions. Gotta build them shoulders! Otherwise, I will keep the lifting schedule I have been doing. Workout Plan – Week 11 – 2x a week
- Refeed – Saturday: Heavy Pull + 11 HIIT / PM 20 min MISS
- High- Sunday: Heavy Push + 20 min MISS
- Low- Monday: 20 min PW + Heavy Lower body + 11 HIIT
- Low- Tuesday: 20 min PW + High Rep Pull + 20 MISS
- High- Wednesday: 20 min PW + High Rep Push + 11 HIIT
- Zero- Thursday: 20 min PW + High Rep Lower body + 20 min MISS
- Med- Friday: 11 HIIT
Diet: Week 14
My new diet given to me for this week looks like this:
- High day: 85g carbs, 150g protein, 10 fat
- Medium day: 55-60g carbs, 160g protein, 20g fat
- Low day: 40-45g carbs, 155g protein, 40g fat
- Zero day: 10-20g carbs, 189g protein, 35g fat
I put in a range for carbs because the high end number is total carbs not subtracting any insoluble fiber from veggies.
Sunday April 5th, 2015
Happy Easter! I made this raspberry lemon meringue pie for Easter and managed to not lick anything… okay, I got a little on my finger and tasted!
Monday April 6th, 2015
Made up a butt load of Tilapia and rice. Me and white fish are buds for the next few weeks!
Tuesday April 7th, 2015
Thank you yesterday’s Leg Day for making every set of steps feel like this…..
Wednesday April 8th, 2015
I love high carb day. Even though its not really high, psychologically it fuels me.. I think I am going to call low carb day- high day and high day- ultra high carb day 😀 If you need me, I’ll be on a chocolate safari until my next meal! ….. I currently dread cardio and have the last month…. usually I like it but when calories are low and you are doing it everyday and most of the time 2x per day, I… Loathe… Cardio….. Early morning cardio, in the rain! Didn’t mind it. I like running in the rain! I have been looking through pinterest to find good ways to do my eye make up for contest day. I don’t quite know if I have the skill to make this all look good! Follow Get Fit. Go Figure!’s board Competition Make-up on Pinterest.
**Week 15, Peak Week **
Cut Phase, April 12th – April 18th 2015 NPC Gopher State Classic on April 18th, 2015 So, I am currently in peak week, I have been prioritizing sleep and focusing on getting everything together for the NPC Gopher State Classic on Saturday. (Order of events for Saturday Click here) Peak week doesn’t look terribly different from the rest of your training with the exception of a different carb up day or your carbs may be a bit higher to keep glycogen stores in your muscle full and looking nice and plump with your skin tight. This is the week you drink 1.5-2x the amount of water. Some dehydrate and or sodium deplete at the end of the week, others drink lots of water right up until Friday night. Your diet on show day may be rice cakes all day long with some honey and almond butter or it could be pizza and Gatorade. It all depends on who is prepping you and what works for you as everyone’s body will respond differently. See
This year I will be competing in Figure Open Masters 35+, Figure Open, Bikini Open Masters 35+ and Bikini Open. Should keep things moving along! Last year I competed in only figure. If you don’t know what to expect on Show day, see these posts: Contest Day-What to Expect and the Not-So-Glam and Your Competition Tan- What to Expect I have been contemplating not doing the May show. I am tired and this takes over your life. We will see. So, this week, I am putting on the finishing touches to my suits and shoes. I hit my goal weight for this show which is 130 lb’s. Yes, I know, I am doing a DIY pedicure in about 10 minutes! Morning Selfie 😀 These are two seasonings I use at nearly every meal. I put cinnamon on my oatmeal and sweet potatoes and the kickin chicken gets dumped on my veggies, fish and rice! And, I got my crack waxed and my hair did! Progress pics from last Saturday April 11th, 2015.
Wish me luck!
Gopher State Classic 2015 Results
In this post:
- Run down of the day
- Figure placing
- Bikini placing
- Judges comments
- Score sheets
- Having fun
- In the end….
- Credits
See also
Over a week after my contest this year, as I am trying to stick to a reverse diet, AND, though I am in the gym or getting in my workouts 6x per week still, it is really nice not having the pressure to HAVE to be working out or have to eat a certain way. I was in the gym every day and making healthful food choices all before I even got into bodybuilding. With the cut phase comes the pressures, struggles, goals, and the doubts. The constant push to bring your best to the stage, to improve and to be better than last year.
The show was fun. Christine Bongiovanni runs a great show which adds the excellent experience.
Two nights before the contest, I found that my shoes I wore last year were breaking down. The straps were cracked and being held together by a flimsy reinforcement piece.
I first tried white electrical tape until a fellow competitor FB messaged me to say she had a new pair of shoes, my size that she was going to return- PERFECT! For $30, they were mine Friday night! I added a few strips of rhinestones with e3000 glue and viola… shoes with a little sparkle.
The morning of the show, we got up about 5:30 AM, the husby put a 2nd coat of competition tan on.
See: DIY Competition Tan – No Prob! for info and a video
Your Competition Tan – What to Expect
Than I did my hair and make-up and was out of the house by 7:45 to drive to the venue which was about 35 minutes away.
After fighting traffic to get into downtown Minneapolis, I just barely made the athlete meeting:
After the athlete meeting, we all just set up shop in hallways waiting for our class to go out.
Last year, I did 3 shows and took home 3 trophies (all 3rd and 4th places). This year I did 1 show and took home 3 trophies. Only because I could enter more classes being 35 years old. AND, I entered figure and bikini. woot! Keeps the show moving along and more fun.
See Divisions Explained for a more detailed explanation on figure and bikini. Also see Competition Articles.
See videos here: Gopher State Classic 2015
Figure Open 35+ : 5th Place
Figure Open: 2nd Place
See videos here: Gopher State Classic 2015
Bikini 35+: 4th Place
Judges Comments
We are allowed to contact 1 judge from the panel to ask for feedback. As I did, this was my message:
Score Sheets
What do these numbers mean? How can I get a 10 in one figure class and a 26 in another? What do those numbers even mean?
well I will tell ya… from what I gather…
The judges have to score quickly. Instead of having a set of criteria on paper that has to be scored, the judges simply use their awesome knowledge and experience to take all the criteria into account in their head. On paper, the judges will rank each competitor in the “place” they feel each belongs such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. Then, the highest and lowest score is trashed and the rest of the numbers are added together. The person with the lowest number wins.
If ten judges rank you as first place, you will get a score of 10. If ten judges rank you as 5th, 7th, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 5th, 6th, 5th, 4th 3rd, – The 2nd place and 7th place are discarded and the rest of the numbers are added up to 41, and that is your score.
The more people in a class, the higher the number will be for competitors that won’t place.
Having Fun!
Goofing around, meeting fellow competitors and chatting is one of the best parts of the whole, long ass 13 hour day. By 9 pm, I feel like I have known many of these gals and some guys for more than just a Saturday.
My photo ops with IFPA Pro Chuckwumah Anwah have become a tradition as every show- competing or not. 😀
A little photo op below with Fred “biggie” Smalls the guest poser! totally awesome performer!
One last time from the NPC Gopher. Guest Poser Fred “Biggie” Smalls.
Posted by Liquid Spectrum on Sunday, 26 April 2015
In the end…
Just sitting here thinking about the weekend and the journey that got me there. From the very first thought of competing to a second season and a 4th show, it sure has been fun. The best part of it all is meeting some pretty fabulous, supportive, fitness oriented people. This sport certainly has its challenges, the ups and downs along the way, the emotional mind F*** of it all, but some how, we keep getting back on the roller coaster for that one thrill of being on stage- ripped, lean, tanned and oiled.
I was going to compete in the Mr & Mrs Natural Show May 15-16 but I decided not to. My body build is too in-between divisions right now in that my shoulders need to be larger to be more competitive in figure and my body is a bit too muscular and not shaped well for bikini. So, knowing that I may do okay but not amazing, I am going to hang my suits up for the season and ditch the gallon jug….. And just enjoy living the fit chick life until next year. 🙂
Thank you’s have to go out to Allison MacArthur of Elite Presentation for her fabulous posing sessions, Andrew Brightman (@builtbybrightman) for getting me through the last few weeks of my prep as well as reversing out of it, to my Mom for the fabulous competition suits, and to my Husband, family and friends for supporting me the entire way… AND to my kiddo’s for putting up with my irritability from a 15 week caloric deficit! Those little buddies would just laugh at me un-phased. Rascals. 😀
On to reverse dieting… joy!!!! not.
My reverse diet the last two weeks:
April 19 – May 2, 2015
See Reverse Dieting – Who needs it and how to
After my contest 2 weeks ago, I didn’t go out to eat. We were all too tired. Instead, I had a giant Cossetta’s lobster tail pastry the hubby got the day before and a bunch of marshmallows. yum. Then, Sunday I relaxed on my diet and ate whatever, but not until I was overly full. BUT, my diet relaxing extended to 3 days after my show, not just 1. Oops. I couldn’t help it, I was hungry! Damn reversing is hard. After that, I have been pretty darn good. I gained 6 pounds within the 3 days of eating whatever I wanted. Then I got back on a plan and followed the a reverse (outlines in Reverse Dieting- Who needs it and how to) and have held my weight so far.
Now I just need to keep holding on!
5 Weeks Post Show
I am 5 weeks post contest and started a keto diet about 2 weeks after the Gopher State Classic 2015. It was the switch up I needed so I wouldn’t lose my shit trying to add calories back slowly.
For a ketogenic diet, 70% of my calories come from fat and I allotted 30 grams or less of carbs per day. So, at 1500 calories, my macros were 115g of fat, 30g of carbs and 90-100 g of protien.
My lifting program has switched to a bikini focus with a lot of plyometrics. My weekly cardio consists of four 20-30 min LISS sessions and 2 HIIT session.
I am currently at 2000 calories (155 fat, 30 carbs, 90-100g protien). I certainly reversed faster than I should have if I wanted a more cut look, but I really like where I have been holding my weight. I am 8 pounds up from my stage weight and I feel really good! I feel strong and sexy. I am a happy girl. 🙂 Its hard finding a balance after going through a contest prep, but I think I finally figured it out this year.
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