When you are in a calorie deficit eating low fat foods, you know you need some tasty recipes in your recipe box to keep things interesting!
Here are my go to recipes when I am in prep.
Protein Angel Food Cake
The Macro Experiment
This recipe was a huge staple during my contest prep. I usually made if for breakfast with peanut butter powder and a few mini chocolate chips OR with blueberries and Walden farms pancake syrup. The entire flipping cake without the toppings is 184 kcal — 1F / 3C / 38P . FO RIZ!!!! Recipe here.
Healthy Low Carb Low Vanilla Pancakes
A Big Man’s World
I discovered this recipe part way through my prep and I LOVE it. I still make them in my off season. They are light and fluffy and so good with just fruit on them or Walden Farms Pancake Syrup. Or real syrup for that matter. Whip the egg whites and then make sure to cook them on super low heat for a much longer time than a regular pancake. AND, make sure you have a good metal spatula to ease them off the griddle and they will come out beautifully. Recipe here.
Protein Donuts
Flexible Dieting Lifestyle
I get 6 donuts out of this batch and am able to eat all 6 for a meal. I like to use peanut butter powder and mini chocolate chips on some of them but the others I would end up snacking on plain all day. I got the original recipe from Flexible Dieting Lifestyle but modified it a tad. See that recipe here.
Bell Pepper, Cheese, and Bacon – Oh My!
Jenny Baker
I love this snack. When I can sneak in any sort of bacon during a prep, I do it. In my off season when I eat a high fat diet… it’s on! See recipe here.
Nacho Mamma’s Nachos
Nearly Fat Free Recipe for a Mexican Delight
Jenny Baker
I LOVE using certain veggies as a healthier, lower calorie substitute for recipes and this one is super fab. Now you can have your nacho’s and eat them too! See recipe here.
Swole-gurt Fluff.
Protein Fluff with Some Added Muscle
Jenny Baker
When you get desperate in prep, you get desperate and you try every which way to whip up egg whites, stevia and protein powder! Well, look no further, give this a whirl… or a whip if you will to get you through rough times!
Low Fat Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie
Heather Owen
This SUPER tasty low fat smoothie is SO good. I love it, my kids love it and it’s super versatile and can be adjusted to fit your macros. Recipe here.
Fresh Cilantro Lime Breakfast Egg Salad
This, my friends is one of my all time favorite easy and quick breakfasts… and snacks for that matter. It is so fresh and so simple as well as easy to adjust the macros. Recipe here.
What are your thoughts? Comment below.