It has been four weeks since I first started using the Pavlok
. Within the first 3 or 4 days, I stopped biting my nails. Now that my nails are getting long, I have the occasional tendency to want to bite them but knowing I have the Pavlok as a tool for negative feedback keeps me from doing it.
Two weeks ago I had a habit coaching call with Jason from Pavlok
to help me through the habit breaking process and his focus was very positive. He would ask me thought provoking questions focusing on the bigger picture regarding how changing habits positively changes your life. We also discussed being in the present when in the midst of doing your bad habit as the shocking wristband really brings awareness to your actions so you can consciously stop it.
The shock you administer is a negative consequence to your actions but, Jason reminded me that there needs to be positive rewards when having met your goal. Being that I stopped biting my nails (for which they are making it a tad difficult to type right now due to their length), I needed a reward. My rewards were a verbal high five and a manicure. Over the last 25 years of biting my nails, I have gotten maybe 2-3 manicures which were pointless because I would chew on my nails chipping the nail polish. But not this time! I got a manicure and my nails looked fabulous for a week!
While maintaining my non-nail biting status, I also discussed with Jason my ketogenic diet and using the Pavlok to help me stick to it. A ketogenic diet is a high fat, moderate protein, low to zero carb diet. This diet is the only diet I can do where I don’t feel hungry, I don’t have cravings and I can maintain my weight and be a happy girl. BUT, when I am making my kids lunches and the cheesy crusts I cut off my kiddos’ grilled cheese is calling my name, I just have to take a bite or two or three. OR, when I am making cakes (which I don’t really do much anymore just for this reason), a yummy bowl of peanut butter buttercream will be taunting me with its luscious smell and I will eat 3 cups of it.
Well, last week I had to make a few big cakes in which one of them required peanut butter buttercream. DRATS. I did still have a few bits of the frosting but it stopped there as I shocked myself for every bite and this kept me from eating more than a few tablespoons avoiding the “eat 3+ cups of frosting” scenario. I would call that progress, especially in the beginning!
The only issue I am running into is the fact that when fighting your bodies primal survival mechanisms to eat sugar sitting in front of your face I am finding the shock needs to be stronger. I cannot adjust the severity of the shock because I don’t have an iphone to download the app to control it.
Think of the dog running through the invisible shocking fence to get to freedom enduring the few seconds of shocking because its so worth it to be free! Its like that with my frosting dilemma. I will endure a couple shocks to get a couple bites of frosting. But, it still kept me from downing the whole bowl! I would call that success.
So far this Pavlok has helped me make positive changes. Think of the implications this would have in the fitness realm, giving you a tool to hold you accountable….
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