In this post:
- Travel
- Ankle Progress
- Diet
- Workouts
- Stats Updates
- Progress Pics
- New Supplements
So the last three weeks have been hectic, ankle has been getting better, traveled to NY State for 10 days and somehow survived!
Traveling during a contest prep, if you have ever been there is less than ideal. It takes all of my effort to stay focused and juggle eating correctly, getting in my sleep and strength training and taking care of my kids, blog and clients.
You all know how important it is to stick to your macros and packing snacks or meals is essential for the trip.
Aside from feeling like a drug smuggler, I had to find room for my Most Fit suspension straps (much like TRX but more portable), a plethora of workout clothes and a bunch of resistance bands. We have the Black Mountain Resistance Band System. The resistance bands were essential on this trip as we were in the mountains where no gyms were present and, I could get in a good workout on the fly.
And of course, my A-hole Brother and ding dong Dad has to torment me during my workouts by pinching my cheeks, or trying to tickle me. The kids, then of course followed suit. Just an added challenge…although, yes, I hated it! It’s hard to stay focused!
Check out How to Travel Fit for tips and tricks when vacationing on a diet or during contest prep!
Ankle Progress
I got in my first, good, low body leg workout while we were in NY visiting the Father in Law. We were able to hit up the YMCA (finally a gym with real weights) and bust out some squats!! Light weight squats, but it felt so good!
I put my feet up in between sets to off set any possible swelling that may happen as my ankle isn’t top notch quite yet.
Macros are set at about 175 g protein daily, 52 fat and then carbs cycle. High, medium and low days are specified in the table above: This has been my diet the past 5 weeks.
Low (off day): 130 carbs
Medium day: 165 carbs
High day: 200 carbs
I had to take out plyo day as I can’t do the explosive movement with my ankle… it hurts like a bitch. So, I will instead do some sort of lower body workout… mostly on the fly based on what I feel like that day.
Medium-Sun: Quads, glutes, hams (6-8)
High-Mon: Back, biceps, shoulders (20-30 ) 5 HIIT battle ropes or ball slams after w.o.
Medium- Tue Glutes, hams , abs (10-20)
Med- Wed: Back, biceps, (10-15)
High-Thurs: Chest, triceps shoulders (10-20), 5 HIIT battle ropes or ball slams after w.o.
Medium- Fri : Glutes, hams , abs
Off day diet- Sat: OFF
PDF of my workouts on a 3 week rotation with the plyo day in it.
Get Fit. Go Figure. My current workout. April 2016
Stats Updates
Things are creeping down ………slowly. Some days I am hungry, others I am okay but the crystal light/ La Croix fizzy water combo SAVES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 (see You Know You’re in Contest Prep When…)
- 5’6″ tall
- 138 (ish) pounds
Progress Pics: 15-17 weeks out, bikini division
and my favorite section…
ah food, how I am obsessed with you… well, except when I have to meal prep you weekly….
screw cutting and chopping… put whole sweet potatoes in the crock pot on high for a few hours with no water. I have found 2-3 hours on high or 3-4+ hours on low works great. Just throw them in and push on!! Then, let them cool and slip off the skins, portion and freeze! So much easier!!!! I just love this method. Although, I can’t take the credit, my Mother in Law gave us this idea! Genius! Make sure to cook them long enough so the skins slide right now without any extra work.
Now we are talking! The Macro Experiment angel food cake with PB2 and choco chips! YES!
HAHAHAHA.. peach butts… and pluot and nectarine butts… can’t discriminate! People must have thought I was crazy standing there in this section staging the fruit!! LOL!
So, I had to resurrect overnight oats. They are just so easy, fast and tasty… and super versatile. I love these ideas from
Try this out for a tasty low fat low cal snacky… fat free cheese on turkey pepperoni and bake at 350 til all melty. I didn’t get an after pic because, well, I was hungry and my brain was not thinking of anything else but shoving these into my mouth. But, fat free cheese doesn’t melt as well as regular cheese so, just keep an eye on it and take them out when you think they are done.
This is a GREAT idea and a nice change to dip veggies into. Get some Hidden Valley Ranch dressing seasoning and a sweet honey mustard. Mix to taste! I love dipping cucumbers and broccoli! This is a great on the go snack too.
A client of mine sent me some samples of flex flavors which I have been meaning to buy myself and try but I am going to add one of these to the Protein Angle Food cake recipe I love making by The Macro Experiment.. stay tuned to that one!
New Supplements
I have added some new supplements to my stack. Some just for added health benefits and others for fat burning!
1) Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar
I started taking a 2 tbsp shot of Braggs apple cider vinegar before dinner to aid in digestion as I don’t produce enough HCL which can cause reflux. Since I have started this my stomach feels SO much better. WOW, and the added benefits are a nice perk. I just plug my nose and down it. Bottoms ups! Benefits include:
3 calories per tablespoon
digestive aid
Lowers blood sugar
Fights diabetes
Aids in weight loss (Studies suggest it can increase feelings of fullness and help you eat fewer calories leading to weight loss)
Lowers cholesterol and reduces your risk of heart disease
2) Qualia
This supplement is a sweet nootropic and neuro support stack to help improve memory, focus and processing speed. Alzheimers runs in my family and I need every bit of help to upgrade my neurological system! Read more at the Neurohackers Collective website on all the awesome benefits to this supplement.
3) Ceylon Cinnamon
I used to take cinnamon as a supplement when I was pregnancy with my first child 6 years ago to help stabilize my blood sugar as I had gestational diabetes. (which, BTW, I was extremely angry about seeing all these other prego peeps eating unhealthy and doing just fine while I was over here eating an all whole foods and low processed food diet… but what ever, I not bitter, er, anything.)
Cinnamon, especially ceylon cinnamon helps to naturally stabilize blood sugar and having had gestational diabetes can put be at greater risk for having diabetes later in life so I thought I should re-enlist the cinnamon intake daily. Instead of packing it into a capsule like I used to, I just dump a bunch on my sweet potatoes everyday.
4) Bitter Melon Extract
Bitter melon helps with weight loss by lowering and maintaining proper blood sugar levels. It may also increase the number of beta cells in your pancreas which are involved in the secretion of insulin. Improving your insulin levels can help reduce your blood sugar levels which makes weight loss easier.
Yes, another one for blood sugar levels. On a high carb, low fat diet, yes I do have a concern about constantly spiking insulin level with whey protein post workout and dextrose intra workout and refeed days.. you get the picture.
Use caution if you have hypoglycemia or diabetes.
5) Sauna Use Followed By a Cold Shower

I started sitting in the sauna after every workout (nearly) for as long as I have time for which is usually 10-15 minutes. My husband has been doing this for about a year now to maximize gainz as sweating it out in the sauna post workout causing a spike in growth hormone.
After the sauna, I will jump in a cold shower. At first it was like torture but I really got used to it and enjoyed it… sort of. Hopping in the cold sauna helps to bring down your body temp and close pours. It is also a mild form of cold / cryo therapy that shows so many benefits such as anti- aging and increased performance.
I try my hardest to do 3-5 minutes but that includes me jumping in and out of the shower stream or rotating like a rotisserie chicken in a race. It may get my body temp down but it certainly gets my heart rate up!
Read more on the benefits of suana use: Booty Building and Fat Loss>> The Miracle Supplement You Are Missing Out On.
Also check out how to do some serious detoxing and fat burning with sauna and niacin in the following article by Ben Greenfield. I plan on doing this post contest through November as I am afraid to detox during prep and have some crazy illness or skin boils befall me as released toxins can mobilize and cause ailments!
Here are some other fat burning supplements to look into:
Supps Recap
Right when I get up on an empty stomach:
Qualia step one
Coffee with protein powder in it
Yohimbine HCL (as part of fat burner combo listed below)
Green Tea extract (as part of fat burner combo listed below)
SuppRest by Natty Nutrition (LOVE this supp– this balances my hormones like crazy good)
Multi vitamin (every other day)
Bitter melon extract
Intra-workout drink:
2g Beta-alanine
20g Dextrose
Post workout
Trutein Naturals Cinnabun, Dark Chocolate or Peanut Butter Cup
Acetyl L Carnitine (as part of fat burner combo listed below)
Yohimbine hcl (as part of fat burner combo listed below)
Green tea extract (as part of fat burner combo listed below)
Qualia step two
Ceylon cinnamon on my post workout sweet potatoes
400 mg Magnesium Glycinate (highly absorbable form)
Apple cider vinegar before dinner
Vit D every other day (stopped taking as Qualia has this in it)
Vit K every other day (stopped taking as Qualia has this in it)
Zinc every other day (stopped taking as Qualia has this in it)
Fat Burner- taken in the above schedule
500 mg Acetyl L-Carnitine
2-400 mg Green Tea (make sure it’s standardized EGCG)
100-200 mg Caffiene
2.5 milligrams or 1 cap Yohimbine HCL
Take the combo 2x per day: once in the AM, then post workout. If taking in the evening, drop the caffeine supp.
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