Failing to plan is planning to fail
In this post:
- Contest Prep 2015 (Cut Phase / In- Season)
- Overview
- Workouts
- Weekly Plan
- Week 1 recap
- Weekly Entries and changes to plan
- Free Download Links: Diets, Workouts, Templates
Don’t miss out on a compilation of Contest Prep articles all in one convenient post:
And …
Contest Prep 2015 weekly updates
Contest Prep 2016 weekly updates– workouts, diets, supps
The following information is regarding contest prep for me specifically. There are a lot of individual adjustments and plans that should happen to keep you healthy and at your best. Consulting a qualified person is strongly suggested. This is not a substitute for an in person consultation. Please see a physician before starting any program. Note, dieting to very low body fat levels can be serious business if done incorrectly causing major stress on the bodies processes and functions.
Cut Phase / In-Season 2015
January – May 2015
So, here we go, January 4th, 2015, marking the first day of my prep. 15 weeks from the NPC Gopher State Classic on April 18th 2015 at the Minneapolis convention center. I was not originally going to do this contest but skip it and focus on the Mr and Mrs Natural show in May and then the NPC Minnesota State contest in June, but, what the heck. I am actually really really nervous to go about prep on my own, but, I have all the tools to move forth so let’s see what happens.
At this point, while getting over my shoulder impingement and tapering off physical therapy, I have come to terms with the fact that my shoulders didn’t develop as well as my back and legs to place better in open figure next spring. So, I have decided I am going to cross over and try out bikini as well. This means I will be entering both figure and bikini divisions at the NPC Gopher State. The NANBF Mr. and Mrs. Natural Show in May will not allow this and I must choose one or the other. But, I am undecided at this point. Ideally, to do well in the figure division, I would take another year to build before stepping on stage.
When working with individuals, especially cutting for a show, you have to be pretty intuitive as many factors will play into a persons life that will affect how their body responds to the diet and workout. It’s an art…a subjective inner understanding. It may not be as black and white as you’d expect. If you are going to embark on such a journey as training for competitions, be smart and stay healthy. Use this guide for tips and a better understanding of how things go in the world of bodybuilding. Each program must be very individual and this is not intended to replace an in person consultation.
Cut Phase 2015 Begins
Week 1 / 15 weeks to Contest
So, here I sit, planning my next 15 weeks. I have done calculations for a bikini body and a figure body as I am still deciding, and it will go something like this…
Current stats:
- Height: 5′ 6″ tall
- Current Weight : 144 lb @ 18% (ish) body fat
- Measurements:
- Chest- 36″
- Waist – 33.5″
- Hips – 36″
- Bicep – 13.5″
- Thigh – 20″
**See Contest Prep Guide above to calculate a goal weight and macros.
My Bikini Body: 10% Body Fat
118.08/ (1 – .10) = 131.2 pounds
13 lb loss
My Figure Body: 5% Body Fat
118.08/ (1-.06) = 125.6 pounds
18 lb weight loss
My goal weight for the bikini division will be around 131 lb and for figure, 126 lb.
This is the range I will shoot for. As I get closer, the mirror will dictate where my weight ends up, that is, when I decide which division (bikini or figure) I would like to focus on this year.
My starting daily macro’s, 15 weeks to my contest will be:
- 220g carbs 50%
- 120g protein 25%
- 50g fat 25%
- Total of 1830 calories
My current refeed day meals:
Daily total: 275 carbs, 35g Fat, 130 protein
- Meal 1: protein + fat, no carbs
- Workout– no dextrose, only BCAA’s
- Meal 2: protein, fat, 100g carbs (low fat foods)
- Meal 3: protein, fat, 100 carbs (low fat foods)
- Meal 4: protein, fat, 75g carbs (low fat foods)
- Meal 5: protein + fat if any macro’s left
- Meal 6: protein + fat if any macro’s left
Current plan for week 1:
3-5 exercises for 3-4 sets in the 8-12 rep range Resting for about 60-90 seconds.
Highlighted acronyms are cardio. Click here for Cardio explained
- Saturday: Shoulders + 5 HIIT – REFEED
- Sunday: 10 min LISS, Legs and abs (quads/ hams/ calves)
- Monday: 10 min LISS, Chest + triceps
- Tuesday: 5 HIIT + High rep shoulder day
- Wednesday: Back + biceps
- Thursday: 10 min LISS, abs, glutes and plyo exercises- high rep 12-20
- Friday: Off
*working muscle groups 2x per week is superior for building than 1x per week, especially for those that have been lifting for at least a good year or two. Download my Contest Prep Guide above for more details and workouts.
See My Weekly Updates Here!
FREE: Get my Contest Prep 2015 Diet, Workout and Template Links & Downloads!
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Want to hit the stage a winner but can’t afford a coach?
So many coach-less competitors make detrimental mistakes during their contest prep from dieting too harshly, getting too lean, not getting lean enough, not optimizing their program to retain as much muscle as possible while dieting AND …. the biggest mistake of all…..not setting up a good off season. The most important part of the entire process!!!!
This Contest prep guide has all the info you need from setting up your diet to work outs and how to make adjustments.
Contest prep timeline
- Setting up a good off season
- Diet
- Tracking progress
- Calorie intake calculations
- Macro ratio calculations
- Setting up the meal plan
- Diet guidelines
- Refeed/cheat meals
- Calculate a goal weight
- Cutting calories
- Weight plateaus
- Supplements
- Workouts & cardio
- Peak week
- Show Day
Heather is a certified personal trainer & sports nutrition specialist, contest prep coach and gym rat. Read more about Heather here , join the GF2 Fitness & Contest Prep Forum for support OR join the GF2 Crew here!
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